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Sufi order diet - sufi command fare

31-01-2017 à 20:25:31
Sufi order diet
A large number of academics consider Bektashism to have fused a number of Shia and Sufi concepts, although the order contains rituals and doctrines that are distinct. Sufism is a mystical - ascetic aspect of Islam. In his Al-Risala al-safadiyya, Ibn Taymiyya describes the Sufis as those who belong to the path of the Sunna and represent it in their teachings and writings. This has often been labeled as pantheism, although it is a concept closer to panentheism. I was convinced that the group of Aulia (holy mystics) is the only truthful group who follow the right path, display best conduct and surpass all sages in their wisdom and insight. This state of affairs lasted for ten years but wherever I had some spare and congenial moments I resorted to my intrinsic proclivity. Throughout its history Bektashis have always had wide appeal and influence among both the Ottoman intellectual elite as well as the peasantry. They have no written doctrine specific to them, thus rules and rituals may differ depending on under whose influence one has been taught. It is not a sect, rather it is considered as the part of Islamic teaching that deals with the purification of the inner self. Ali is regarded as one of the major figures amongst the Sahaba who have directly pledged allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad and Sufis maintain that through Ali, knowledge about the Prophet Muhammad and a connection with the Prophet Muhammad may be attained. Bektashi do not consider this a form of trinity. Main articles: Mystical, Islam, Wahdat-ul-Wujood, Sharia, Tariqa, Haqiqa, Marifa, Haqq-Muhammad-Ali, and The Twelve Imams.

During these turbulent years, numerous astonishing and indescribable secrets of life were unveiled to me. Sufis believe that by giving bayah (pledging allegiance) to a legitimate Sufi shaykh, one is pledging allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad and therefore a spiritual connection between the seeker and the Prophet Muhammad is established. The heavy odds confronted me and provided me with few moments for my pursuits. By pledging allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad, the Sahaba had committed themselves to the service of God. World Headquarters of the Bektashi Community in Tirana, Albania. Bektashis base their practices and rituals on their non-orthodox and mystical interpretation and understanding of the Quran and the prophetic practice ( Sunnah ). In addition to the spiritual teachings of Haji Bektash Veli, the Bektashi order was later significantly influenced during its formative period by the Hurufis (in the early 15th century), the Qalandariyya stream of Sufism, and to varying degrees the Shia beliefs circulating in Anatolia during the 14th to 16th centuries. In keeping with the central belief of Wahdat-ul-Wujood the Bektashi see reality contained in Haqq-Muhammad-Ali, a single unified entity. It is through the Prophet Muhammad that Sufis aim to learn about, understand and connect with God. Bektashism is also heavily permeated with Shiite concepts, such as the marked reverence of Ali, The Twelve Imams, and the ritual commemoration of Ashurah marking the Battle of Karbala. However, the Bektashi order does not seem to have attracted quite as many adherents from among Bosnian Muslims, who tended to favor more mainstream Sunni orders such as the Naqshbandiyya and Qadiriyya. A vast majority of Janissary were followers of the Bektashi Sufi order. Sufi orders are based on the bayah (pledge of allegiance) that was given to the Prophet Muhammad by his Sahaba. Two origins of the word sufi have been suggested. The vicissitudes of life, family affairs and financial constraints engulfed my life and deprived me of the congenial solitude.

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